What is an Avatar (Incarnation)?

Almost all Hindus believe in this concept of Avatar. Avatar happens when GOD (Bhagwan) himself comes down to earth in human form as male or female. This happens whenever righteousness declines and wickedness is rules, […]

What is the definition of God in Hinduism?

God in Hinduism is one that represents love for all his creatures from humans, animals, insects, etc…. He loves them like a father or mother who cares for their children. There is no such thing […]

What are the links between Hinduism and Science and Mathematics?

Aero space engineering is from Ramayan with the concept of an Air Plane. Ravan had the pushpak veeman that he used during when he captured Mata Sita. The numeric system was derived from Hinduism Vedic […]

Who founded Sanatan Dharm (Hinduism)?

There is no single founder/messenger/prophet of Sanatan Dharm. It has many people known as Rishis who contributed to it over time. It is based on divine revelations experienced by a series of Rishis.Sages, while they […]

How old is Sanatan Dharm?

Sanatan Dharm (Hinduism) is the oldest religion known to mankind. It predates recorded history. Thus, Sanatan Dharm has no start date. This makes perfect sense as there was no way to measure time as we […]

What is Dharm?

Closest word in English to Dharm is religion however the word religion it is very limited. Sanatan Dharm is best translated as eternal Dharm. Dharm can be best described as one’s quest to find the […]

What is Sanatan Dharm and Hinduism, Is there a difference?

The word Hindu is a combination of the first letter “Hi” of Himalayas and the last compound letter “ndu” of the word Bindu. It refers to India as Hindustan, a country between the Himalayan Mountains […]

What does “Hindu” mean?

There are many theories on how the word Hindu came about. The word Hindu is a distorted version of the word Sindhu. It is believed that the ancient Persians, who lived on the other side […]