What is Karm?

Krishn Bhagwan

In Hinduism, Karm(Karma) refers to God’s cosmic law of cause and effect; every action has its opposite and equal reaction. Any deed or any thought that can cause an effect, is called Karm. According to the law of Karm, every individual is accountable for his or her own actions, thoughts, and words. God does not give us Karm; the individual creates his/her own Karm. Each person reaps the good and bad fruits in accordance with the good or bad Karm accumulated during past and present life. Therefore, each individual is responsible for the pleasures and pains he/she experiences in this world; as one sows so shall one reap. In this manner, each person has the freedom to shape his/her own destiny through good and bad Karm.

Karm can be very complex as one should not come to any conclusion or judge others. For example, a person may be hospitalized for a criticle illness and they may die. Someone may think that this person died because he must have had done something bad in past or present life. Suppose one comes to learn that the same person donated all the criticle organs and gave up the body for research. Does this person now become a saint for perhaps saving lives of someone who needs organs? or helped solve a medical break through by giving the body for research. So Karm can be complex and one should never make judgement on people no matter the situation. Only Bhagwan (God) knows the total good and bad deeds that one may have performed in past lives. So one should leave everything to Bhagwan (God).

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