What paths should one follow to attain Moksh?

Since humans differ in intellectual abilities, temperaments and inclinations, there cannot be a single path recommended for everyone. Hinduism recommends four paths to attain Moksh:

Karm Yog (Path of action): Performing and accepting one’s daily duties selflessly and entirely dedicated to Shri Bhagwan (God).

Dhayan Yog (Path of Meditation): By achieving one-pointedness and concentrated attention through meditation, a purified Atma (Soul) is in communion with its origin, the Supreme Soul.

Jnan Yog (Path of Spiritual Knowledge): Discovering the true self through spiritual enlightenment and realizing the identity of the individual Atma (Soul) with the Supreme Soul.

Bhakti Yog (Path of Devotion): Bhakti is the intense love of God, and totally surrendering one’s self to Him. It is expressed through prayers, ritual worship, chanting Shri Bhagwan’s name and singing his glory.

To achieve Moksh, one can follow any one of the four paths or any combination of them. In practice, once a person follows one path, he or she becomes automatically interested in the other three. All 4 paths are linked. One can pursue the ultimate goal of Moksh while living a normal life. To achieve Moksh one has t follow the following three other goals as a necessary process:

Arth (Economic activities): It means acquire wealth through hard work, fair means and without excess. By participating in economic activities, not one does one satisfy one’s personal and family needs but one also contributes to the welfare o the whole society. Hindus are recommended to donate ten percent of their income to charitable causes.

Kam (Worldly Desires): Kam is defined as satisfaction of normal human desires, including sex. This goal needs to be followed very cautiously within the confies of the Scriptures and one should not become totally obsessed with sensual gratification.

Dharm: While participating in economic activities and satisfying human desires, one must be virtuous, live righteously and discharge all moral obligations.

Hindus believe that there are many paths to God, although some may be longer and more complex than others. Therefore, all religions are different pathways that lead to the same destination. According to Hindism, all living beings will eventually merge back to their original source, the Supreme Soul, no matter what path they may choose to take. This is why Hindus are expected to respect all religions.

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