Five Daily Duties

The ancient Hindu sages realized that it was easy to believe in the lofty ideal of self-sacrifice, but it would be difficult for ordinary people to apply it in their daily lives. To help people […]
The ancient Hindu sages realized that it was easy to believe in the lofty ideal of self-sacrifice, but it would be difficult for ordinary people to apply it in their daily lives. To help people […]
The Rath-Yatra: The Carnival of Chariots: The Rath is a chariot, and Yatra means journey. This is a sort of Hindus’ Santa Claus parade or a religious carnival of chariots. On various special auspicious days, […]
Teerth Yatra is the Pilgrimage for Hindus. The Sanskrit word Teerth means a sacred abode, and Yatra means journey. The entire face of India is dotted with thousands of ancient temples and shrines of historical […]
Hindus hold the river Ganga, called Ganges in the West, in utmost reverence, and affectionately call it Mother Ganga or Goddess Ganga. It originates from the Himalayas and flows through the plains of North-East regions […]
Jap or Japam, meaning silent Repetition, is the practice of continuously repeating the God’s name or a Mantra. Hindus who follow the emotional approach to worship God believe that constantly repeating His name or a […]
Yagna or Hawan is the Fire Ritual. The Sanskrit Word Yagna has three meanings- prayer to God, unification and religious giving or offering. The full meaning of Yagna is to perform selfless acts collectively. This concept […]
Keertan is a devotioal music concert. Hindus also express their love of God through music. Most public worships end with the singing of hymns or devotional songs, called Bhajans, with music. The members of the […]
Pooja is a ritualistic worship. This is a Sanskrit word which means “to honour or worship”. It is the most popular form of ritualistic worship Hindus that have followed over the centuries. A Pooja involves […]
Like other religions, Hindus are also prescribed a number of ceremonies called Sanskar, also pronounced Samskars, which means the actions which purify, refine or reform. The nearest English translation is Sacraments. When a diamond is […]
Holi is a festival of joy, gaiety and merry-making. In the modern context, Holi is a carnival, Thanksgiving day, New Year Eve, the Calgary Stampede, first April Fools Day, and Halloween, all rolled into one. […]
This is the birthday of Lord Ram which Hindus celebrate in March or April (Chaitra in Hindu Calendar). The word Navami refers to the 9th day of the Shukla Paksh. Ram was born in the […]
The word Shivratri, translated as The Night of Shiv, is made up of two words- Shiv, the regenerating aspect of God, and Ratri which means night. It falls during the dark fortnight, Krishna Paksha, of […]
The word Navaratri is composed of two words- Nava and Ratri. Literally, Nava means nine and Ratri means night. It is also called Durga Pooja as the devotees of Mother Durga worship her and observe […]
This is the most important festival when Hindus celebrate the birth day of Lord Krishn. Janmashtami is to Hindus what Christmas is to Christians. The word Janmashtami is a combination of two words- Janma means […]
Those who believe that equality for women is a Western concept will be surprised to learn that ancient Hindus accorded women a place of equality, honour and dignity. In the Vedic society, women had the […]
This festival is observed in the month of Shravan (July/August). Raksha Bandhan is also called with many other names- Rakhi, Rakkhari, Salono, Rakha-mangal, Rakhouni or Rakhi-Purnima. Literally, Raksha means protection, and Bandhan means a bond […]
Diwali is a distortion of the Sanskrit word ‘Deepavali’ meaning row or cluster of lights. This most celebrated festival of Hindus is called so because of the lights that form its main characteristic. Diwali is […]
Most Hindus call their religion Hindu Dharm, but in the western world it is called Hinduism. However, it is interesting to note that the word ‘Hindu’ is not of Indian origin. This word is not […]
AUM is the vibration of the universe. When the Rishis were in deep meditation they were able to control the senses and block out all sounds from the outer world. The only thing they could […]
Last month, we had our water heater replaced. When the installers finished their work in the basement, I invited them to my kitchen and offered chai (Indian-style tea) and snacks. They were surprised. While sipping […]
About five years ago, I had a stroke which left me partly paralyzed. It happened suddenly, with no warning signs or symptoms. I was devastated. Lying in hospital feeling helpless, I wondered: Why me? I […]
One of the most common myths about Hinduism is that it considers this world a maya or illusion and, therefore encourages Hindus to shun this material world and become ascetics. This is just not true. […]
One summer afternoon, a group of 100 or so middle-aged Hindus gathered in the basement assembly hall of a Toronto temple. They had come from all across Ontario to listen to a renowned swami from […]
A widespread misconception in the West about Hindu philosophy on life is its otherworldliness, its emphasis on keeping an eye on the afterlife and a constant preoccupation with the soul, renunciation and liberation from the […]
In order to reach the top of any human endeavor or field of knowledge, one must have a teacher. One who chooses to tread a spiritual path seeking Brahm-Ashnute, or God-realization, needs a master or […]
After birth, we grow up, get an education, find a job, get married, produce children, grow old and die. “Is this what life is all about?” many may ask. The ancient Hindu sages in India […]
After his father’s death in India, Arvind emigrated to Canada with only one mission in life – to improve the quality of life for his four brothers and widowed mother. Arvind at 17 was sincere, […]
Hinduism in not a one-prophet, one-book religion, but Hindus do have revealed scriptures called Ved or Veda as pronounced in the West. The word Ved is derived from the Sanskrit root word Vid meaning ‘to […]
Rajiv and Amita are expecting their first child this summer. They were strangers until Rajiv’s aunt hatched a conspiracy to bring them together. Two years ago, they were married with the blessings of their parents […]
Hindus consider Lord Krishn as the eighth Avatar or Divine Incarnation who took on an earthly appearance in order to destroy wickedness and re-establish Dharma or righteousness. Krishn’s life story, narrated and sung in the […]
In the recent parliamentary elections in India, the stunning victory of the Congress Party over its archrival, the Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP), and the refusal of its leader, Sonia Gandhi, to accept the reins of […]
Those who believe gender equality is a modern concept may be surprised to learn that the primary Hindu scriptures, Rig Veda, do not consider woman inferior in any sphere of human endeavor. As many as […]
Next Friday, Hindus around the world will begin preparations to celebrate the birthday of Ram, whose divine incarnation laid the foundations of Hindu moral values and ethics. The birthday, known as Ramnavami, is April 21, […]
“Sectarianism, bigotry, and its horrible descendant, fanaticism, have long possessed this beautiful earth. They have filled the earth with violence, and drenched it often, and often with human blood, destroyed civilization, and sent whole nations […]
Many affluent Canadians have realized material comforts do not necessarily bring peace of mind. Some of them fail to find inner peace and harmony by following organized religions, but still search for satisfactory answers to […]
Over the past 20 years, I have been seeing more and more white faces in Hindu temples and religious congregations. Why are so many mainstream Canadians gravitating to Hinduism? Traditionally, the Western popular media have […]
Many religious North Americans believe the idea of cloning amounts to scientists playing God and tinkering with his Creation in a way that’s dangerous and downright sinful. And if something were to go wrong in […]
How did religion influence or shape our attitude towards the natural environment? UCLA history professor Lynn White answered the question in his article “The Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis” published in a 1967 issue […]
Usha Chadda, fifty-seven year old accounts clerk of Mississauga, was diagnosed of kidney failure in1988. She had to go for dialysis every other day, while waiting for a kidney transplant. After three years of misery […]
All Canadians, based on their innate talents and skills, can be classified into four broad categories: creative thinkers and intellectuals; politicians and government employees; commercial employers and business people; and manual workers. This is what […]
My grandfather in India died at the ripe old age of 108. He devoted the last 48 years of his life to following a daily routine of meditating, praying and performing rituals. He would start […]
Over the past four decades, yoga has become a household word in the West. It was popularized in the 1960s by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who introduced his own style of yoga called transcendental meditation. Physicians […]
I grew up watching my mother worship every morning. She would light a small clay lamp, called a Deeya, and burn incense in front of an idol of goddess Durga, meaning “fortress” or “protector.” She […]